When I Stand Outside the Slaughterhouse

Mar 01, 2021

The second highlight from our interview with New Zealand animal rights advocate and author, M C Ronen.
Watch the full interview: youtu.be/5X98eR7Kenk

"When I stand as part of the Animal Save Movement, when I stand outside the slaughterhouse, and truck after truck comes in with the victims who are going to be killed inside...
Sometimes, we just lock eyes with one of the victims.
And in that brief moment, the whole world of that victim is palpable to us.
We can feel it. We can feel the confusion.
We can feel the fear.
We can smell it. It's reeking, emanating from feces and urine.
And it's... the moment is so strong.
And then our job is to show the world." -M C Ronen

Get M C Ronan's book 'The Shed'

Photo of pig in thumbnail by Bobby Sud from Los Angeles Animal Save:

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Connect with MC Ronen⇩
Facebook: facebook.com/MCRonen
The Shed: amazon.com/dp/1720084386
Liberation: amazon.com/Liberation-M-C-Rone...

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