what I eat in a day | vegan teen
Sep 27, 2020
hi guys long time no see! I'm sorry i haven't been posting for a while i just felt like i needed a bit of a break from social media as a whole.I'm back and more inspired then ever, i finally have figured out what i what my channel to be about and have so many video ideas lined up for you guys! so grab a snack and hope you enjoy the video : )
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#what i eat in a day
#what i eat in a day to lose weight
#what i eat in a day as a vegan
#what i eat in a day as a vegan teen
#what i eat in a day to get lean
#what i eat in a day to be healthy
#what i eat in a day as a healthy vegan teen
#what i eat in a week as a vegan teen
#what i eat in a week as a vegan
#what i eat in a day as a healthy vegan
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