Turkey day.

Oct 24, 2016

Thanksgiving is... quite the holiday.

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, and the second Monday of October in Canada. North America ritually and enthusiastically celebrates the official holiday for 'giving thanks' by supporting the exploitation, confinement and slaughter of the native, majestic bird that has been bred into a mutated creature of mutation and misery. WTF North America!!!

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'That Part' Markers For Quick Navigation:

1:29 ➤ Too Mutated From Selective Breeding To.. You Know
1:43 ➤ Male Turkeys Get Diddled and Butt-Sucked With A Straw
3:22 ➤ Baby Turkeys Get Their Beaks And Toes Cut Off
3:47 ➤ The Slaughtering Process
4:27 ➤ Turkeys Have No Federal Legal Protection
4:44 ➤ Turkeys, Native to North America and Benjamin Franklin's Heart
5:17 ➤ 'Turkey day' Closing Conclusion


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Butterball, the world’s leading turkey producer (breeds, ‘raises’ and slaughters hundreds of millions of turkeys) has been caught abusing and neglecting their birds in several facilities, year after year! 😡 butterballabuse.com

As if that's not enough, a Lilydale slaughterhouse in Canada (MY COUNTRY), was just caught torturing turkeys to death: lilydaleturkeytorture.ca

And, in January 2017, six activists from DxE entered a farm in Moroni, Utah that supplies turkeys to Norbest, a large company that markets itself as selling “mountain-grown” turkeys who are treated with particularly humane care. They assure their “practices are humane” and ethical, “with the health and comfort of the birds of paramount importance.” Here is what they found: youtu.be/G7aPw7bM9OY

Translate this video, add subtitles for everyone in your language: youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=...

The photo at the end of the video of the lamb and the turkey is Toulouse the Lamb and her turkey friend who were rescued and live at The Gentle Barn, an animal sanctuary and organisation dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, educating and providing a safe place for abused and commodified animals. gentlebarn.org

A big thanks to Mercy For Animals for their undercover investigation footage and work.

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Erin 💖

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