Trying Vegan with Mario Fabbri
Feb 11, 2019
I'm on a mission to learn vegan cooking from the top vegan chefs and nutritionists of the world.
Guests range from top nutritionists like Dr. Joel Fuhrman to vegan chefs like Gaz Oakley. Platinum recording artists Krewella, and the queen of vegan comfort food, Lauren Toyota Hot for Food.
My goal is to inspire people to be more aware of where their food is coming from, and eat more environmentally conscious.
Season 1 is streaming on Roku and Season 2 is airing on Optimum TV Channel 1 January-April 2019.
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#vegan recipes
#vegetarian recipes
#hot for food
#what the health
#forks over knives
#Eat to Live
#oh she glows
#how not to die
#dr michael greger
#Lauren Toyota
#game changers
#jamie oliver
#gaz oakley
#vegetarian protein
#minimalist baker
#trying vegan
#avantgarde vegan
#dr fuhrman
#chickpea recipes
#where do vegans get protein?
#tyring vegan on roku
#avocado recipes
#trying vegan with mario
#sami udell
#chef eitan bernath
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