Travel to Quarantine in SOUTH KOREA With Me!! || room tour, vegan food + study abroad

Jan 06, 2021

I MADE IT TO SEOUL!!! aaaaaaah my university study abroad programme (Minerva!) took me from Berlin last semester to Seoul, South Korea this semester! For the next 14 days, I'm staying in a mandatory government quarantine facility. I get (questionably vegan) meals 3 times a day. Enjoy a quarantine room tour and travel with me to Seoul during the pandemic! I also show you how I got my visa for Seoul :)

also little disclaimer, my intent is never to ridicule the food I'm given. I'm genuinely so curious what everything is and I feel like an ignorant foreigner! super excited to learn more about Korean food and culture this semester 🥰

Music by Mark Generous - Meganne -

Business Enquiries:
Instagram - @unjadedjade
TikTok: @unjadedjade

🌞 MORE 🌞
Casual Magic of the Day: I was given a sweet Korean mungbean rice cake today and it was AMAZING! I'm really craving sweet food so it made me v happy :)
Song of the Day: Crystal Snow by BTS
Book I'm reading: The History of Bees
What are YOU grateful for today?

How old are you? ~ 20
Where are you from? ~ The UK! Near London.
Where do you go to university? ~ Minerva Schools at KGI. I spent my first year in San Francisco and now study in Berlin :)
Did you take a gap year? ~ Yes! From 2018-2019, I interrailed Europe, worked in London, backpacked Australia, did a French language immersion in France and spent 3 months in Uganda. It was the best year of my life.

CURRENT FAVOURITES — things I love recently (these are all affiliate links):
Laptop stand:
My beloved ukulele:
My vegan Doc Marten boots:
Pip and Nut Almond Butter:
Lifechanging productivity app Notion (free!):
Two of my fave hair products: and
I also love the Chrome extension Momentum!:

if no one has told you today, you are enough. 💛

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