The BEAUTIFUL story of two RESCUED animals & their journey to freedom!
Apr 30, 2020
We hope this beautiful story of two rescued animals brings some joy into your life this week.
Watch to see their journey to freedom as animal rights activists from the Goa Animal Save in Inda give these two individuals a second chance at life, allowing them to live in peace and harmony at an animal sanctuary.
#sanctuary #freedom #liberated
Join the Animal Save Movement
#Vegan #Animal Rights #Veganism #Compassion #bearingwitness
#animal save movement
#rescue animals
#animal sanctuary
#save animals
#rescued animals
#the beautiful story of two rescued animals
#the beautiful story of two rescued
#the beautiful story of two
#the beautiful story of
#the beautiful story
#beautiful story for two rescued animals
#beautiful story of animals
#liberated animals
#two rescued animals
#animals and their jouney
#journey to freedom
#goa animal save
#goa india
#vegan india
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