Strawberry cream chia pudding | VEGAN | CREAMY | DELICIOUS

Aug 28, 2020

Easy! Healthy! Fast! Guilt free!
You will LOVE IT!!

Recipe ~ We encourage you to use organic produce/ingredients whenever possible.

If you want to see more easy healthy plant based recipes, as well as other holistic tips, please join our community by SUBSCRIBING now!

- 1/2 cup chia seeds
- 1/2 cup cashew cream (recipe below OR 1/2 cup coconut cream, whipped
- 1 cup milk (i used Almond milk)
- 1 tsp maple syrup or agave (optional. I like it best w/ it)
- 1/2 cup strawberries, pureed in blender OR strawberry powder (follow their directions to make 1/2 cup)
- 1/2 cup fresh strawberries sliced
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional, I like it best w/ it)

In a HIGH SPEED BLENDER. It must be a high speed blender, otherwise it won't be cream, it will become grain like. Blend 1 cup raw cashews (no need to soak), 1 cup water, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, & 1/2 tsp maple syrup. Let this blend between 4-5 min. Until creamy creamy smooth. It will thicken up in the fridge a bit.

In a bowl, mix well the chia seeds, milk, maple syrup, & vanilla. Cover & set in fridge 4 hours or over night. If your chia mix it very firm when you take it out he the fridge, just add 1/4 cup milk and mix well until it is more thin. EASY! Put your 1/2 strawberries in the blender, & blend until pureed, pushing the sides down a few times to help. Then prepare your cashew cream (directions above). If you can't have cashews you can use coconut cream. Just blend together coconut cream with a bit of maple syrup. Now the fun part! Layer your pudding!! In a small jar put a mall layer of the chia mix, then strawberry puree, a few fresh strawberries, then the cream, and repeat.
Smile, and enjoy the nutrients you're giving your body!

THE COMPANIES I USE ~ For years I constantly search for companies that are organic, plant based, little to no extra filler ingredients (chemicals, soy, junk, etc), and are striving to make the world a better place. Using glass, instead of plastic, actually caring about the impact their product makes etc. The less ingredients, the better! Help your body help itself. We need to put pure products into our bodies. Food is medicine. It is my goal to continue to find, use, and represent companies that do these things. With that said I will always share w/ you the products I use, love, & trust.


Milk- Three trees (I use the unsweetened vanilla bean almond milk this time, but I love all the flavors!) Purchased at Natural Grocers.
This is one of two brands I will buy, without any extra junk. Turn your milks around and read the ingredients! There shouldn’t be a bunch of weird stuff … This milk is a bit more expensive then the others.. But again, you get what you pay for. Pay an extra buck or so and put a very healthy product into your body…

Granola I use: Go Grow, purchased online.

Blender- Vitamix
My only regret is that I didn’t get one sooner!! I put off getting a Vitamix for almost 2 years because of their price. Once I finally bought one, I was blown away! I use it everyday, seriously!! The blessing power is like no other. It liquefies nuts! This machine is a must for vegan cooking in my opinion. I make cheese in 3 minutes in this machine. Not to mention smoothies, soups, dips, ice cream, bean patties, and so much more! Absolutely worth it! Your kind of gritty smoothie & dips will change into super smooth creamy dreams,


DINNER IDEA! Pesto Pasta salad!

P l e a s e ~ s h a r e
If you have any products you think I would love please comment below! Or if you have any information I didn't mention, should be aware of, etc. We are all here to learn from one another. I strive to grow and learn daily. I only know what I know as of today… :) Lets learn together.

s p o n s o r s h i p s
This video is not sponsored. As always, I share w/ you only companies I have come to love, and want to share them w/ everyone!

~ Smile

~ With gratitude & love,

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