Shocking cruelty exposed at Caracierzos foie gras farm | Animal Equality

Dec 27, 2012

Sign our petition calling for a ban on the sale and production of foie gras in the US:

A new Animal Equality investigation exposes cruel scenes of animal suffering at Caracierzos farm, the second foie gras farm with most production in Spain.

This is the fourth investigation Animal Equality has presented during 2012 exposing the foie gras industry, in France and Spain.

Our investigator got footage on ongoing cruelty and suffering at this farm, such as:

• A duck covered in blood with its beak broken which remained several days -- recorded up to three different days.

• Ducks trying to get out of their individual cages which they were kept in and due to this, they presented severe difficulties to move themselves.

• Dead ducks inside and outside the cages and even a dead duck whose head lay inside the water dispenser.

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Sign to ban foie gras in the EU at:

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