Operation Strauss Veal Feeds -

Aug 13, 2019

The Truth about Dairy and Veal - new undercover Fairlife milk investigation

Animal Recovery Mission's undercover investigation into Strauss Veal Feeds has revealed that Fair Oaks Farms and the fairlife corporation
have been providing baby dairy cows to Strauss Veal Feeds to be raised for veal. This is the clearest proof yet of the link between the dairy industry and the veal industry.
If you buy a glass of cow's milk, you are supporting the veal industry. In this investigation, ARM discovered that calves were brutalized during transport, kept in pitch black conditions for up to 18 hours a day and put in 2 1/2' by 5' crates with no room to turn around. They have horrible living conditions, with no ability to go outside, and are illegally medicated and often left to die. Please join us in asking the fairlife corporation and Coca-Cola to stop using their dairy operations as a way of supporting the veal industry.

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