One week in Skåne, Sweden | F O O D , N A T U R E , F U N | Nadia Damaso

Apr 02, 2019

Back in fall, I made a trip to beautiful Skåne, the southern region of Sweden. Skåne is a region where an incredible diversity of local food is grown. The purpose of the trip was to learn all about the food-culture in Skåne, meeting local producers, chefs and just a bunch of great people in general who know all about the region and what it has to offer, to then make a final dinner on the last day of the trip. A dinner cooked with local ingredients only and inspired by all the experiences I collected and all the food I've tried throughout the week. Oh, and of course- with a big portion of my own creativity! ;)

From food, nature & fun- here's my week in Sweden from day 1 to day 7.

VIDEO: By Sarah Vonesch [ ]
CUT & EDIT: By me [ ]

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Enjoy watching and I hope you like it! xx, Nadia :)

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