Mary Fantaske on intersections between Ableism & Speciesism

Oct 28, 2013

Mary Fantaske speaks about the intersectionality between ableism and speciesism at the Human Rights is Animal Rights conference in Guelph on Saturday, October 26, 2013.

The conference organizers write: The goal of this event is to compel others to evaluate the systematic exploitation of both human and non-human animals, and how these oppressions relate in our lives and our communities. This conference intends to function as a platform for dialogue, networking and organization with others in creating a more resilient rights liberation movement for all.

This conference intends to move beyond the typical boundaries of social justice activism. Integrating advocacy for the rights of nonhuman animals with the rights of humans, in all our diversity, requires sharing and listening about the commonalities in our struggles.

The goal of this event is to ultimately develop a more complete understanding of oppression and justice. Creating allies aware of the intersectionality of oppression can afford us more opportunities to collaborate in meaningful and mutually inspiring ways. Our diversity of ideas and experiences offer potential to build a more comprehensive, sustainable and effective movement against oppression. We need to strive for creating safer communities and more responsible allies, in hopes of beginning to truly break down the existing hierarchical power structures, rather than reinforcing them.

This event was hosted by Animal Liberation Ontario and OPIRG -- Guelph, collectively. 'Food Not Bombs -- Guelph Chapter' which graciously offered to supply free vegan meals for the attendants throughout the day.

Filming and video production: Agnes Cseke

#Vegan #Humanrights #Intersectionality

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