How Young Climate Crisis Activists Changed the World | NowThis

Dec 07, 2019

‘You had a future! So should we!’ — 2019 was the year young people around the world stood up and demanded real climate action. These were the key moments for the youth climate movement.
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This video was created in partnership with Emerson Collective

In US news and current events today, NowThis News is looking back on the biggest moments of the year in climate activism and the fight against climate change. This is how young climate crisis activists changed the world. One of the biggest moments of the year was when teen climate activist and Fridays for Future founder Greta Thunberg spoke at the United Nations. This became known as the Greta Thunberg How Dare You speech and launched many Greta Thunberg How Dare You memes and GIFs. Thunberg launched one of the biggest climate strikes, the global school strike 4 climate. In the fight against global warming one of the biggest global issues today also referred to as the climate crisis, no action was too small. These activists are leading the fight against the climate crisis 2020.

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