How to kick the Sugar Addiction

Nov 07, 2019

How can we kick our sugar addiction? Many of us have developed an addiction to refined sugar and seek expert advice on how to kick the sugar habit. We cover tricks and tips to overcome the addiction to artificial sugar and replace it with healthy foods.

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Sugar addiction:

Sugar and dopamine release:

Can we really get addicted to food? Podcast. Dr. Emeran Meyer

Are you addicted to sugar? You're not alone.

If there’s one thing in nutrition everybody agrees with, it’s we eat too much sugar.

Refined carbohydrates. They’re everywhere. White table sugar obviously, but also added sugar in every processed product at the store.

That’s why its so hard to avoid

But! It can be done. Many People are able to cut back and even eliminate refined sugar

I did it. I eliminated 100% of refined carbohydrates

So, let’s take a look at what experts advise to kick the sugar habit.

The places where you normally binge are environmental cues.

Mirror neurons.

We’re social animals. What we see others do influences us whether we like it or not.

Its not about knowing what to do, its about doing what we already know.

Food binging is a habit that often happens when we’re alone.

Overeating sugary foods give us a jolt of dopamine and some momentary pleasure, and it distracts us from the negative emotions.

For some of us the sugar binging is a way to cope with traumatic events.

Availability. I can organize my shopping, if I don’t have the junk food at home, I never eat it.

Processed foods are created in labs to have the right mix of sugar, salt, fat and crunchiness to hook you.

Avoid them altogether, replace them as much as possible with natural fruit and vegetables

The other common trap is people try to go from white sugar to other sweetners. You want to reeducate your palate to natural sweetness and the taste of whole foods.

Refined sugar is absorbed quickly and causes an unnatural, sharp peak of glucose in your blood.

You want to be especially careful with soda. Its really easy to overconsume calories in a drink, and it gets you hooked on the artificial sweetness.

Disclaimer: The Information in this video is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#SugarAddiction #KicktheSugar

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