Episode 82: Vegan Buffalo Chicken Dip! ??
Nov 02, 2018
We definitely have a winner here with this Vegan Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe!
Easy to make and perfect for potlucks!
I had asked facebook for a carnivore who had previously had this dip before but no luck guys, but 3 taste buds don't lie.
Also random but thought I would mention I had tried the Kite Hill version of the cream cheese and wasn't impressed, Trader Joes Vegan Cream Cheese still reigns supreme to me.
As promised here is the link to the Just Ranch:findus.justforall.com/justfood...
Here is the link for the Daiya Blue cheese:daiyafoods.com/find-us/where-t...
As always keep in touch!
Email Me Here: ThatChocolateVegan@gmail.com
Instagram: @ThatChocolateVegan
Love you all! You mean the world to me. Muah!