Compassion Over Killing Exposes Extreme Cruelty at CA Slaughter Plant, USDA Shuts Facility Down

Aug 21, 2012

Read more about this video: -- in response to COK's investigation, USDA shut down this facility and In-N-Out Burger, McDonald's & Costco have severed ties with Central Valley Meat.

Aug. 21, 2012: An undercover video, filmed by a Compassion Over Killing investigator, exposes rampant animal abuse and suffering inside Central Valley Meat Co. (CVM), a slaughterhouse in Hanford, California. CVM is a major supplier to the USDA's National School Lunch Program and other federal food initiatives.

Like all federally inspected slaughterhouses, CVM is required to comply with federal animal welfare requirements as well as California's animal protection laws. However, COK's whistleblowing video uncovers acts of cruelty that appear to violate both state and federal laws.

After viewing the footage, the USDA shut down the facility, citing "egregious inhumane handling and treatment of livestock."

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