A Week of COZY Vegan Meal Ideas

Sep 28, 2020

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Here‘s a mini what I eat in a week - I filmed one cozy vegan recipe a day - one pot vegan bolognese, sweet potato overnight oats, avocado shakshuka, an apple and peanut butter crumble, sweet potato latte … More fall and winter recipes to come!!

Share your recreations with me on instagram 😎 @mina_rome

Instagram: instagram.com/mina_rome
50+ Recipe Ebook: payhip.com/b/9MsP
Email: minarome.yt@gmail.com
Website: mina-rome.com

My Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe: youtu.be/ZQOGj_iLulM


#1 Vegan Avocado „Shakshuka“

1 bell pepper
1 onion
1 small piece of ginger (like 2,5cm/1 Inch)
oil for the pan
½ can chickpeas (120g)
Spices of choice (paprika, harissa, chili, turmeric, pepper)
¼ tsp cinnamon
Salt to taste
1 cup passata (250ml)
½ cup Water (125ml), more to adjust the consistency if needed
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 avocado, cut into slices
1 spring onion

optional: add a sprinkle of kala namak right before serving
Serve w greens, sesame seeds, bulgur, tortilla, hummus …

Serves 2

#2 One Pot Vegan Bolognese

2 shallots
1-2 carrots
1-2 celery stalks
Oil for the pan
150 - 200 g vegan minced meat or 1 Block of smoked tofu (5.3 - 7.05 oz)
1 ½ tbsp tomato purée
1 tbsp balsamic glaze or ¼ cup red wine (60ml)
1 cup passata (250ml)
2 cups Vegetable broth or water (500ml), if needed add more while the pasta is cooking
2 bay leaves
180g - 200g short cut pasta (6.03oz - 7.05oz)
1 tbsp BBQ sauce
2-3 tbsp ketchup
Salt to taste
Spices of choice
1 spring onion

Serves 2-3

#3 Sweet Potato Latte

3 tbsp baked sweet potato
1 heaping tsp almond butter
¼ tsp Cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
¾ tsp flaxseeds, semi ground
¼ tsp vanilla
1 cup non dairy milk, warm, be careful when blending it! (250ml)
a pinch of salt
optional: sweetener of choice to taste, extra cinnamon for the top

Serves 1

#4 Sweet Potato Overnight Oats

½ cup small cut oats (45g)
a pinch of salt
2 tsp chia seeds
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp vanilla
3 tbsp sweet potato purée
4 tbsp vegan yogurt
¼ cup non dairy milk (60ml)

1 grated apple, almond butter, maple syrup

Serves 1

#5 Veggie Bean Bake

1 onion
~ 200g of mushrooms (7oz)
2 small sweet potatoes or 1 big one
2 bell peppers
1 small/medium sized head of cauliflower
Oil for the baking sheets
Salt for the baking sheets

1 can kidney beans (240g)
½ can corn (~150g)

cashew mix:

¾ cup cashews (113g) soaked in water for at least one hour
Juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp Nutritional yeast
⅓ cup Non dairy milk (80ml), more if needed to adjust the consistency
1 cup ready made tomato sauce (250ml)
Salt to taste

more nutritional yeast/vegan cheese for the top

serve w greens, grains etc

Serves 3-4

#6 Cozy Potato Tofu Stew

2 cloves garlic
1 onion
1 one inch piece of ginger (2,5cm)
1 bell pepper
1 Block smoked or flavoured tofu (200g) (7.05oz)
A handful of cremini mushrooms
Oil for the pan
¼ cup white wine (60ml) (sub w orange or apple juice)
4 cups of potatoes, cut into cubes (4-5 medium sized potatoes ~ 550g)
spices of choice - I added curry powder, dried thyme, oregano and marjoram, chili flakes and salt
4 tbsp ready made tomato sauce (or mix in 2 tbsp tomato purée)
A handful of cashews
2 ½ cups water (750ml), if needed more to adjust the consistency
A couple handfuls of fresh baby spinach
½ can chickpeas (120g)
Optional: 1 tbsp lemon juice

Season to taste 🥳
Serves 3

#7 Peanut Butter Apple Crumble

4 cups of cubes apples (3-4 apples) (~470g)
Juice of ½ lemon
½ tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp maple syrup, can be skipped if preferred

1 Cup small cut oats
4 ½ tbsp flour
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 ½ tbsp raw cane sugar or brown sugar
3 tbsp melted vegan butter
1 heaping tbsp peanut butter
2-3 tsp non dairy milk, add it one tsp at a time; I said tbsp in the video I meant tsp

→ serves 4


intro by Kevin Creel: open.spotify.com/album/2yAUmTM...
Trees and Lucy (tracks chase your dreams, chores, thrift flip, italy)
Jeremy Sullivan: soundcloud.com/jeremy-sullivan...
Loopschrauber: open.spotify.com/album/5nFgYFi...
Flughand: feguro - soundcloud.com/flughand/tracks
Culpeo: soundcloud.com/culpeo/fruition...
EVR: soundcloud.com/esplodin/i-worr...
Outro by Thomas Headon - open.spotify.com/track/6zUw4QJ...

Much love,

this video is sponsored by Squarespace

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