30 Minute Mat Pilates Workout

Aug 10, 2018

Try this new 30 minute Mat Pilates Workout: youtu.be/4DwBxlm9IAQ

This 30 Minute Mat Pilates Workout focuses on rotating the spine for deeper oblique activation.

The benefit of this is we will tone the waist line when this is our focus.

Because we are going to be working with deeper rotations, the Pilates class has a slow steady pace to ensure we are not causing harm. You want to feel the abs engage and never feel a pinching in the back.

No equipment is needed for the Pilates class besides a mat.

This workout proves we don’t always need a fast tempo class for an effective total body Pilates class.

The Pilates mat class is steady and is perfect for a Pilates Beginner who wants to progress to intermediate Pilates exercises.

Let me know your thoughts, did you get a little more out of each exercise with this workout?


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