13 Year Old Activist Tells Al Gore: NO MEAT AT LIVE EARTH!

May 10, 2015

Earth Peace Foundation discovered from Morrissey that Al Gore, Kevin Wall and the United Nations are putting on a climate change event called "Live Earth" - and that they are serving meat and animal products. Our founder had to do something about this glorious hypocrisy, so she's making sure these guys know that what they are doing is a slap in the face of mother earth. There is no way to slow climate change without ending animal agriculture, period. Follow 13 year old animal rights and green activist Lila Copeland on facebook facebook.com/earthpeacefoundat... and insta: @earthpeacefoundation and check out our webpage earthpeacefoundation.org where we have a FREE color guide for young people who want to go and stay vegan when their parents may not be so hot on the idea! There is support! Visit us!

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