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mercyforanimals @mercyforanimals

Look no further for delicious vegan recipes and tips, animal rights news, eye-opening undercover investigations, and heartwarming rescue videos because Mercy For Animals' YouTube has it all! Mercy For Animals is committed to reducing the greatest am...

0 subscribers
Direct Action Everywhere - DxE @direct-action-everywhere-dxe

Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) is a direct action network of ordinary people, formed using the model of grassroots networks in the history of social justice -- ACT UP, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Women's Social and Political Un...

0 subscribers
SASHAFarmAnimalSanctuary @sashafarmanimalsanctuary

SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary is located in Manchester, Michigan and we are the Midwest's largest farm animal sanctuary. At our shelter, not only do we provide food, water, shelter, and veterinary care, we also give the animal residents affection, soc...

9.2k subscribers
AmazonWatch @amazonwatch

Amazon Watch works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Basin to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples' rights in the face of large-scale industrial development-oil and gas pipelines, power lines, roads, and o...

5.4k subscribers