My channel is BILINGUAL. This means some videos will be in German, and some in English.
For English-only content
- follow my Instagram @_wastelandrebel_
- visit the English version of my blog wastelandrebel.com/en
- look forward to the fully localized English version of my book, launching April 2018
Wenn du lieber nur deutsch mĂśchtest:
- abonniere die deutsche Version meines Blogs wastelandrebel.de
- werde Fan meiner Facebook-Seite facebook.com/wastelandrebel
- lies mein Buch "Zero Waste: Weniger Mßll ist das neue Grßn" (erhältlich in jedem gut sortierten Buchhandel)
All Videos
đ Podcast Host: @consciouskitchenpod đ¸ Vegan: Make earth a peaceful place 𪴠Weâre all plant like things | Animal Rights | Cause Marketing |
NutritionFacts.org is a science-based nonprofit organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, that provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos, blogs, podcasts, and infographics. We are strictly non-commercia...
Advocating a low impact lifestyle: sustainability, plant-based, and ethical. Business email: info@immylucas.com Videos are uploaded on Thursdays and Sundays, and cover subjects from zero waste swaps, food prep for the week & monthly, minimalism and...
Vegan means peace, love, compassion, mindfulness, life, and STRENGTH. This channel is dedicated to those who love / respect life (your own and others, including animals and trees) and want to live long and be athletic at the same time! My Vegan Ath...