Every year in Britain, more than 7 billion animals face the barbarity of slaughter - many fully conscious. Most spend their short, brutal lives in confinement, pain and misery.
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Food Empowerment Project seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of one’s food choices. We encourage choices that reflect a more compassionate society by spotlighting the abuse of animals on farms, the depletion of...
Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.
Animals Asia is working with the Vietnam government to rescue the last bears who remain on bile farms across the country, and end bear bile farming forever by 2026. We are building a new sanctuary which will be home to these bears. They will need ext...
Promovendo o vegetarianismo como uma opção alimentar ética, saudável, sustentável e socialmente justa.