Impactor Stats
30 Impact Videos
15.4k Total Followers
15.4k Subscribers
Viva! is a vegan non-profit organization which campaigns to end animal suffering, improve our health, protect the environment and bring fairness to the world's poor by helping people stop eating animals and animal products.
Every year in Britain, more than 7 billion animals face the barbarity of slaughter - many fully conscious. Most spend their short, brutal lives in confinement, pain and misery.

Please visit viva.org.uk to order a free Go Vegan pack!
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Suggested Impactors
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira - SVB @sociedade-vegetariana-brasileira-svb

Promovendo o vegetarianismo como uma opção alimentar ética, saudável, sustentável e socialmente justa.

0 subscribers
Compassion Champs @compassion-champs

Our driving Force at Compassion Champs: LIVE BIG. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind. Think big, dream big, believe big and the results will BE big. Compassion Champs is here to educate all types of athletes on the im...

539.4k subscribers
gentlebarn @gentlebarn

The Gentle Barn Foundation is home to hundreds of animals rescued from abuse, neglect and slaughter. Once the animals have healed and are ready, they help us give hope and inspiration to people with the same stories of abuse and neglect. We host abu...

93.6k subscribers
In Defense of Animals @in-defense-of-animals

Working to protect the rights,welfare and habitats of animals. FIGHTING APATHY, BUILDING EMPATHY: In Defense of Animals works to educate the public to fight apathy, build empathy and take concrete action to end all forms of animal exploitation...

0 subscribers
Animal Equality @animal-equality

Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.

251.3k subscribers