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Viva! Charity @viva-charity

Viva! is the UK’s leading vegan campaigning charity, specialising in undercover investigations and high-profile animal campaigns. Since 1994, we have been creating a kinder, more sustainable world for animals and humans alike. On our channel you wil...

0 subscribers
AmazonWatch @amazonwatch

Amazon Watch works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Basin to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples' rights in the face of large-scale industrial development-oil and gas pipelines, power lines, roads, and o...

5.4k subscribers
Okeechobee Animal Save @okeechobee-animal-save

We bear witness to the suffering of Animals in Okeechobee Florida. Raising awareness for all the Animals being abused and killed. There is no reason to consume Animal products. End hunting and fishing, Be Vegan. Part of The Save Movement Worldwide N...

0 subscribers