Impactor Stats
4 Impact Videos
7.2k Total Followers
7.2k Subscribers
VeganKanal is helping vegan activists and animal rights activist to spread the word by filming all the amazing presentations and workshops at the International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg (IARC). The videos will help you get active for Veganism and animal rights on social media and on the streets, establish a positive and effective communication, choose which vegan organization to get involved with and stay a happy vegan by looking after yourself. Please subscribe to this channel and share all this amazing tutorials and speeches with your vegan friends and in vegan groups. To help people create a vegan world! Thanks a lot! Go vegan :-)
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Suggested Impactors
HappyCow Vegan Guide @happycow-vegan-guide

HappyCow's Healthy Eating Guide - Official Channel Vegan celebrity interviews, vegan travel advice, recipes, healthy living tips, & more. A global, searchable, vegetarian dining guide and health food store directory featuring vegetarian and vegan r...

37.2k subscribers
abillion @abillion-1

we run a kick-ass app for all things vegan & sustainable 🥕🥕🥕

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Alpro @alpro

Woop! 🙌 You found us! As the pioneers of plant-based, we’re all about food that is healthy for you & for the 🌏! Here, you’ll discover plant based deliciousness and drinks! Ready to dive, open-mouthed into creamy plant-based dollops of inspiration? Go...

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Almond Cow @almond-cow

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Switch4Good @switch4good

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281k subscribers