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Derek and Marcella are the husband and wife team of vegan competitive bodybuilders behind Vegan Muscle and Fitness at veganmuscleandfitness.com, where they have shared their training and nutrition tips, recipes and more since 2009. Owners of Richmond, Virginia's only plant-based personal training studio, Root Force Personal Training, the pair seeks to promote a fit and active plant-powered lifestyle and shatter the perception that strength and athleticism can't be achieved with a plant-based diet.
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The Vegan Crossfit Girl
Hey, I'm Tui - welcome to my channel! :) I am a vegan fitness coach and CrossFit athlete living in Bali. I'm here to inspire and give you tips on how to thrive on plants, reach your goals, and live an epic life filled with love and happiness! Su...
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Trifecta Pilates
Welcome to Trifecta Pilates! 🌟 I'm Beth Sandlin, the founder and I've been teaching Pilates for over 20 years. As a mom of two who loves hiking and beach vacations, I find beauty in every day and strive to live life to its fullest. Pilates has been...
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