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I’m Melissa Huggins, the creator of Vegan Huggs. I started my blog to share my love for deliciously nutritious food, natural living, vegan & non-toxic beauty products, and cruelty-free fashion. I’m living proof, that you can have a completely healthy & enjoyable life, without causing harm to the earth or animals.
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An ethical vegan-owned UK-based platform to find vegan food prepared by independent local businesses. #crueltyfree #vegan #delivery #govegan
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Hi, I’m Remy! I share nourishing vegan + gluten-free recipes and tips to live your best balanced and holistic life. I’m a human bean on a mission to empower you to be well and be kind to your mind, body and soul with the healing power of plants. Also...
11.1k subscribers
Hello 👋 Hier dreht sich alles um die schönste Sache der Welt: Essen! Wenn ihr auch solche Foodies seid wie ich, dann abonniert am besten gleich meinen Kanal für viele neue Rezept-Ideen! Mal asiatisch, mal gut bürgerlich, cross-over aber immer schne...
9.2M subscribers