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2 Impact Videos
2k Total Followers
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Hello beautiful soul! This channel is intended to help and guide you through your own experiences of body, mind, and spirit. I want to enchant you with my dishes and travel experiences and hope I can inspire you to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Everything starts with you and unknown territories is the only place to grow.

Let's celebrate this beautiful life in these unique and vibrant bodies! Love. From my heart to yours.

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Suggested Impactors
Nisha Balsara @nisha-balsara

Kem cho?! Through candid conversations, storytelling, and occasional rants, "Biracial and Bitchy" offers a safe space for listeners to confront their own complexities and challenges. Nisha's unapologetic approach to sharing her triumphs and tribul...

0 subscribers
Plant Based Dads @plant-based-dads

Welcome. As an overweight 12 year vegetarian who has made the conversion to Vegan/WFPB in June 2018, I start my weight loss journey by cooking my meals at home and sharing some of my recipes I use. Join me on this adventure as we learn to eat great...

18.3k subscribers
vegginny @vegginny

Easy, holistic & vegan lifestyle tips, recipes & coaching with Ginny Ray Hanson. DM open. IG: vegginny

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Amanda V Sevilla @amanda-v-sevilla

Hi friends! I post holistic vlogs & chats to help you drop who you think you SHOULD be & step into who you TRULY are.

82.5k subscribers
Tofu Fitness @tofu-fitness

Hey everyone, we're a vegan family of three. We created this channel to show that you can live a happy, healthy life while following a plant based diet. Thanks for watching! You can find us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tofu_fit_girl/ http...

284k subscribers