Vegan Chef Gueli

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3 Impact Videos
2.8k Total Followers
2.8k Subscribers
Growing up in Ethiopia, I would always find myself in the kitchen, watching in awe and taking in the aromas as food was being prepared. Cooking has always been my passion, but I did not know I could turn my passion into a career until I quit my 9-5 job and became a stay-at-home mother in 2011. At that time, plant-based options in non-vegan restaurants were very limited. Since I have always enjoyed cooking, I would constantly have friends and family over for all-vegan dinner parties. Eventually, my friends convinced me I could turn this passion into a career, and here I am
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Veggie Doctor TV @veggie-doctor-tv

Hi, I'm Dr. Yami! 👋🏽 I’m a passionate promoter of healthy lifestyles and a champion of plant-based nutrition for the prevention of chronic disease. I aim to empower you to obtain the wellbeing you desire. pediatrician // podcaster // speaker // auth...

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Mississippi Vegan @mississippi-vegan

Hello and welcome to my channel! My name is Timothy and I am a photographer, cookbook author, recipe developer, and gardener.

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Shaun The Vegan @shaun-the-vegan

Shaun The Vegan here, all the way from Cape Town South Africa to share some ways of living more consciously and sustainably. I love vegan food and work to promote veganism and it's accessibility and affordability to everyone to help break down the s...

1.1k subscribers
Food Impromptu @food-impromptu

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268k subscribers