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Boxing Tips
Workout Plan
How to Diet Effectively
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Root The Future @root-the-future

🌏 Thailand’s Largest Plant Based & Sustainability Community 🌱 อาหาร แพลนต์เบสต์ | ความยั่งยืน Planet, health & the animals.

733k subscribers
Hannah Hagler @hannah-hagler

Hey there and welcome to my channel! I'm Hannah, crazy dog lady, lover of pickles and oat milk lattes. Here you will find all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle that are all vegan and cruelty-free! I aim to lead a life led by compassion, but I lov...

39.3k subscribers
NikkiVegan @nikkivegan

Hey guys! I'm Nicole, welcome to my channel! I make healthy vegan recipes, share easy meal ideas and grocery hauls, and post vlogs like What I Eat in a Day videos to show how easy, practical, and delicious it can be to eat more plants! My hope is tha...

3.3k subscribers
Humane Hancock @humane-hancock

Jack Hancock-Fairs is a filmmaker and animal advocate who creates educational resources about animal ethics. Jack's work covers factory farming, farmed animal suffering, veganism, wild animal suffering, speciesism, digital sentience and effective al...

328.8k subscribers
Vegan Diver Katt @vegan-diver-katt

Science educator, PADI Scuba Dive Instructor and Free diver living in Queensland Australia. Ocean Pancake is on a mission to protect our seas one dive at a time. This is a place for all ocean warriors and earth lovers dedicated to a sustainable futu...

51.2k subscribers