Vegan Advocacy Initiative

Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
117 Total Followers
117 Subscribers
Vegan Advocacy Initiative (VAI) is a people of color, animal advocacy and food justice organization. As animal advocates, we support a shift toward creating alternative food systems that exclude cruelty toward non-human sentient animals. Through our projects, we encourage others to consider a new way of thinking – that animal rights must be part of the food justice and environmental justice movements in order to create more sustainable and fair systems. In addition, we recognize the importance of building relationships with these and other social justice movements.. We are also the creator of the People of Color: Animal Rights, Advocacy & Food Justice Conference.
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Suggested Impactors
VegfestUK @vegfestuk

VegfestUK organise some of the UK's biggest vegan festivals! Each of these festivals is packed with quality vegan food and other products, on top of education from talks and cookery demos, entertainment from live music and kids activities, plus load...

1.5k subscribers
Elysabeth Alfano @elysabeth-alfano-1

Vegan ♻️?? Plantbased Business Consultant, Host: Plantbased Business Hour, Public Speaker & Expert for Media ? ? LA/Chgo, Sub:iTunes & YouTube ⤵️

908.2k subscribers
Ben Britten @ben-britten

Graphic VI uses design to penetrate the mainstream and can market you with the aggression that many contemporary designers are afraid to use

131.6k subscribers
Amazing Vegan Outreach @amazing-vegan-outreach

Helping others align their actions with their values.

22.7k subscribers