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This channel is dedicated to helping you achieve success with your weight loss and fitness goals. Tips and fitness advices and techniques for proper eating habits and exercise are presented weekly.
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Make It Dairy Free @make-it-dairy-free

The #1 Vegan Taste Test Channel on Youtube! Find amazing new vegan products + great resources for learning about living and maintaining a vegan life. Check out our linked channels for delicious vegan recipes! New videos every Thursday at 11am...

798 subscribers
Caitlin Shoemaker @caitlin-shoemaker

Hi, I'm Caitlin! I share easy-to-follow, accessible, and tasty vegan recipes, with some lifestyle content mixed in there too :) All of my recipes (and cookbook!) can be found at

46.3k subscribers
Julia Lenochkina @julia-lenochkina

5065737255 🥇Одним из самых лучших решений в моей жизни я считаю переход на растительное питание в 2014-м году🥑🥦🍑 💪Благодаря этому питанию, (преимущественно сыроедному) я вылечила сама: - хронический гастрит с забросом желчи в желудок, - мастопат...

1.7k subscribers
bananiac @bananiac

Just a Dietitian who enjoys learning about food & nutrition. IC XC NIKA

8.3k subscribers
Happy Healthy Vegan @happy-healthy-vegan

Debunking anti vegan nonsense and showing how it doesn't suck to be vegan! Ryan and Anji also make music together as Lovespirals. Since 1999 the band have released 6 albums and numerous singles, remixes, and collaborations. Their soulful grooves are...

7.3k subscribers