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The Real News Network (TRNN) produces independent, verifiable, fact-based journalism that engages ordinary people in solving the critical problems of our times.
TRNN is a daily multi-media news and documentary service, headquartered in Baltimore. What makes us different from other news sources is our business model. We are nonprofit and do not accept funding from advertisers, governments, or corporations. TRNN is sustained by viewer donations, foundations, and earned revenue. This independence allows us to follow facts to rational conclusions, without the editorial pressures felt by for-profit, advertising-driven news models.
We deliver international and national news to audiences across the country and around the world, and local news to the people of Baltimore.
Our motto is “The Future Depends on Knowing.”
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TRNN is a daily multi-media news and documentary service, headquartered in Baltimore. What makes us different from other news sources is our business model. We are nonprofit and do not accept funding from advertisers, governments, or corporations. TRNN is sustained by viewer donations, foundations, and earned revenue. This independence allows us to follow facts to rational conclusions, without the editorial pressures felt by for-profit, advertising-driven news models.
We deliver international and national news to audiences across the country and around the world, and local news to the people of Baltimore.
Our motto is “The Future Depends on Knowing.”
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Vevolution is a global movement for positive change and plant-powered living. We hold the UK’s best known positive change festival Vevolution Festival and produce regular content to inspire people to create a better world.
0 subscribers
Merle O'Neal
Hey there, I'm Merle! I'm an actor and internet pal. I make vegan food, day-in the life vlogs, sex-positive content, and do deep-dive investigations on crooked brands & industries. For business inquiries: Merle@solaromgmt.com
811.1k subscribers
Lifting Vegan Logic
Vegan activist and personal trainer who uses logic, reason, and sarcasm to combat anti-vegan nonsense.
0 subscribers