The Brooks Institute

Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
240 Total Followers
240 Subscribers
The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, Inc. is a US-based national think tank pursuing a paradigm shift in human responsibility towards, and value of, non-human animals by advancing animal law, animal policy, and related interdisciplinary studies. The uniqueness of the Brooks Institute is its independence and capability to create new intelligence and collaborations.
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Suggested Impactors
Beyond Carnism @beyond-carnism

Beyond Carnism works to expose and transform carnism, the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. Carnism causes extensive suffering. Animal agriculture is responsible for the unnecessary slaughter of 77 billion land...

0 subscribers
Food Empowerment Project @food-empowerment-project

Food Empowerment Project seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of one’s food choices. We encourage choices that reflect a more compassionate society by spotlighting the abuse of animals on farms, the depletion of...

74k subscribers
Animal Equality @animal-equality

Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.

249.3k subscribers