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Organização sem fins lucrativos que realiza ações de alto impacto visando promover o vegetarianismo como uma escolha ética, saudável e sustentável.
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Animals Asia @animals-asia

Animals Asia is working with the Vietnam government to rescue the last bears who remain on bile farms across the country, and end bear bile farming forever by 2026. We are building a new sanctuary which will be home to these bears. They will need ext...

174k subscribers
The Brooks Institute @the-brooks-institute

The Brooks Institute is an animal law think-and-do tank dedicated to advancing animal law academics, scholarship, and policy-making in a broadly collaborative environment. We create neutral space and opportunities for cross-fertilization of ideas and...

0 subscribers
Willows Animal Sanctuary @willows-animal-sanctuary

Willows Animal Sanctuary official YouTube channel. The channel features videos about the sanctuary and the work it does, individual animals and their care, facilities provided by Willows, events and matters relating to animal rights.

129k subscribers
PETA ZWEI @peta-zwei

Wir setzen uns für die Rechte von Tieren ein. Mithilfe von Kampagnen, Künstlern und euch sorgen wir dafür, dass der Rest der Welt nachzieht. Bis jeder Käfig leer ist. PETA ZWEI ist die Jugendkampagne von PETA Deutschland e.V.

1.2M subscribers