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7 Impact Videos
513k Total Followers
513k Subscribers
Welcome to Simply Quinoa! We're here to teach you how to make easy, plant-powered recipes that are delicious and healthy! Our recipes are also 100% gluten-free! In addition to our super yummy recipes, here you'll also find wellness videos covering topics like natural beauty, sleep, sustainability, self-care and so much more.

Oh, and did we mention vlogs? Yea we also love to share What I Eat in a Day videos to give you a bit of inspiration!

We're so excited you're here and can't wait to welcome you into this amazing community!

Have a look around, binge watch some playlists and we'll see you soon ❤️
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Suggested Impactors
Ellen Fisher @ellen-fisher

sharing my love of healthy plant food, gentle parenting, and our simple island life

476k subscribers
Steph and Adam @steph-and-adam

Hey Guys, we are passionate meal preppers that want to share our knowledge of health, nutrition and cooking with the you. On this channel, you will find tons of Meal Prep, Plant Based & Vegan recipes along videos to help you achieve your goals. We lo...

996 subscribers
Yes Theory @yes-theory

We believe that life's greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone. Brand Partnerships: partnerships@yestheory.com Fan Emails: hello@yestheory.com Seek Discomfort: https://www.seekdiscomfort.com

4.7k subscribers
Sexy Fit Vegan @sexy-fit-vegan

Build a plant-strong body for life while creating a relationship with food you never need to cheat on! An animal lover since birth and a dedicated vegan since the age of 15, Ella Magers, MSW, CPT, is on a mission to transform the health and wellness...

963 subscribers
Mic the Vegan @mic-the-vegan

Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he...

15.9k subscribers