Shaun The Vegan

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4 Impact Videos
21 Total Followers
21 Subscribers
Shaun The Vegan here, all the way from Cape Town South Africa to share some ways of living more consciously and sustainably.

I love vegan food and work to promote veganism and it's accessibility and affordability to everyone to help break down the stigma of it being expensive and inaccessible.

I co-own and organize the only Vegan Goods Market in Cape Town that brings together local food, home, and body product vendors and people who are interested in living a more conscious life. A space of no judgment, only love, light, and no cruelty.

Lets journey together and see how we can make the earth a little bit better :)

LET'S COLLABORATE! - If you would like to work with me to make the world a little bit greener and more conscious, pop me an email to :)
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Suggested Impactors
Vegan But Lazy @vegan-but-lazy

Cheap Easy Vegan Recipe ebook! 130+ Recipes for $4.99 on amazon: Modest Dish: Simple recipes for all. Don't let the recipes fool you, I'm not vegan. I eat all foods. Anarchist Kitchen Music: We...

3.6k subscribers
Laura Fruit Fairy @laura-fruit-fairy

Willkommen 🤗 das hier ist ein Safe Space in dem ich über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Hochsensibilität, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & Gesundheit spreche. Ab und zu teile ich vegane Rezepte und Vlogs. Schön, dass du da bist. 🤎

339k subscribers
Dr Elizabeth Lambaer @dr-elizabeth-lambaer-1

62 Yrs Young Healthy Lifestyle | Beauty | Fashion | Spiritually How to Live Your Best Life!💕 🍏 Fueled by Plants Best selling author Speaker/YouTuber

1.9M subscribers
Robyn Ruth Thomas @robyn-ruth-thomas

Hello, I post weekly beauty and lifestyle videos - subscribe so that you don't miss any. If you love reading, check out my blog: Or chat to me directly via Email: Instagram: @robynruththomas Rob x

346k subscribers
Rich Roll @rich-roll

Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum mind/body/spirit disciplines: ultra-e...

42.7k subscribers