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SEED is a women-led nonprofit animal and environmental advocacy organization.
For animals, people, and the planet.
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Kindness Trust @kindness-trust

Tens of thousands of people just like you, working to promote kindness towards all other living beings, right around the world; Act. Don't react. See a need, fix it first. Worry about the details later. If you wait until you are asked you have jus...

0 subscribers
Food Empowerment Project @food-empowerment-project

Food Empowerment Project seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of one’s food choices. We encourage choices that reflect a more compassionate society by spotlighting the abuse of animals on farms, the depletion of...

74k subscribers
269 Life @269-life

The burning of the calf's number, chosen by the industry to be "269", is for us an act of solidarity and immortalization. We hope to be able to raise awareness and empathy towards those, whose cries of terror and pain are only heard by steel bars and...

0 subscribers
El Hogar Animal Sanctuary @el-hogar-animal-sanctuary

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary es una organización que rescata y recupera animales víctimas de la explotación, educa en el veganismo y lucha por los Derechos Animales y contra el especismo. Es un proyecto conjunto que nace de la unión de dos asociaciones...

11.2k subscribers
mercyforanimals @mercyforanimals

Look no further for delicious vegan recipes and tips, animal rights news, eye-opening undercover investigations, and heartwarming rescue videos because Mercy For Animals' YouTube has it all! Mercy For Animals is committed to reducing the greatest am...

0 subscribers