En el santuario reciben la posibilidad por vez primera de vivir sus vidas en libertad, de disfrutar de sus amigos y establecer vínculos familiares con otros animales. Aquí reciben una cuidada alimentación, la atención veterinaria cuando lo necesitan, el cariño y las instalaciones que permiten que estén seguros y confortables.
En Santuario Vegan los animales son amigos, no comida
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SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary is located in Manchester, Michigan and we are the Midwest's largest farm animal sanctuary. At our shelter, not only do we provide food, water, shelter, and veterinary care, we also give the animal residents affection, soc...
Indiana’s first farmed animal sanctuary—PEAK offers educational tours to meet our residents and so much more. Come out to enjoy 105+ of Freedom! Uplands PEAK Sanctuary 6444 Freedom Arney Rd. Freedom, IN 47431
Animals Asia is working with the Vietnam government to rescue the last bears who remain on bile farms across the country, and end bear bile farming forever by 2026. We are building a new sanctuary which will be home to these bears. They will need ext...