Pigs and paws Paws

Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
5 Total Followers
5 Subscribers
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SASHAFarmAnimalSanctuary @sashafarmanimalsanctuary

SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary is located in Manchester, Michigan and we are the Midwest's largest farm animal sanctuary. At our shelter, not only do we provide food, water, shelter, and veterinary care, we also give the animal residents affection, soc...

9.6k subscribers
Fundación Santuario Gaia @fundacion-santuario-gaia

La Fundación Santuario Gaia es un centro vegano de rescate y recuperación para animales considerados de granja, donde los que han sido explotados, maltratados o abandonados, reciben los cuidados necesarios para que tengan una vida digna por el resto...

151k subscribers
gentlebarn @gentlebarn

The Gentle Barn Foundation is home to hundreds of animals rescued from abuse, neglect and slaughter. Once the animals have healed and are ready, they help us give hope and inspiration to people with the same stories of abuse and neglect. We host abu...

93.4k subscribers
farmsanctuary @farmsanctuary

Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of factory farming and to encourage a new awareness and understanding about "farm animals." At Farm Sanctuary, these animals are our friends, not our food. Over the years, we have rescued tho...

0 subscribers
Willows Animal Sanctuary @willows-animal-sanctuary

Willows Animal Sanctuary official YouTube channel. The channel features videos about the sanctuary and the work it does, individual animals and their care, facilities provided by Willows, events and matters relating to animal rights.

130k subscribers