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The science of healthy eating broken down... in bite-size pieces. Myth-busting. Fact-checking. Short and Sweet.
Confused about nutrition science? What foods are healthy and which are not? You're not alone. Weekly tips for a healthy diet, always science-based, and always kept simple.
Tasty, healthy food doesn't need to be complicated. Whether mediterranean, omnivore, pescaterian, vegetarian, vegan, keto, low carb or high carb, healthy nutrition can be simple and fun.
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Confused about nutrition science? What foods are healthy and which are not? You're not alone. Weekly tips for a healthy diet, always science-based, and always kept simple.
Tasty, healthy food doesn't need to be complicated. Whether mediterranean, omnivore, pescaterian, vegetarian, vegan, keto, low carb or high carb, healthy nutrition can be simple and fun.
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Hi, I'm Dr. Yami! 👋🏽 I’m a passionate promoter of healthy lifestyles and a champion of plant-based nutrition for the prevention of chronic disease. I aim to empower you to obtain the wellbeing you desire. pediatrician // podcaster // speaker // auth...
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