No Meat Athlete

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1 Impact Video
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Learn how to thrive as a vegan athlete.
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Nathalie Kemna @nathalie-kemna

Hi allemaal! Ik ben Nathalie en leuk dat jullie een kijkje nemen op mijn YouTube kanaal! Ik blog op, Instagram @nathaliekemna, studeer en post sinds kort filmpjes van mijn leven. In mijn vlogs neem je een kijkje in mijn persoonl...

14k subscribers
Nutrition Made Simple! @nutrition-made-simple

The science of healthy eating broken down... in bite-size pieces. Myth-busting. Fact-checking. Tasty, healthy food doesn't need to be complicated. Whether mediterranean, omnivore, pescaterian, vegetarian, vegan, keto, low carb or high carb, healthy...

28 subscribers
nimai_delgado @nimai-delgado-1

🌱Vegan Fitness Trainer 🚫Never Eaten Meat 🏋🏻‍♂️Founder of @vedgenutrition & @veganfitnesscom 👇🏼New podcast every Tuesday.

24.5k subscribers
Julieanna Hever @julieanna-hever

Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, The Plant-Based Dietitian, has a BA in Theatre and an MS in Nutrition, bridging her biggest passions for food, presenting, and helping people. She has authored nine books, including the new Choose You Now Diet, The Healt...

513k subscribers