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Fitness motivation and nutritional guidance!

IG: @nimai_delgado
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Shine with Plants @shine-with-plants

Hi, I'm Fabiola and welcome to my Channel!! I'm a young mom currently based in Chicago. This Channel is all about sharing my journey to spread awareness of the plant-based lifestyle. Email: shinewithplants@gmail.com I'm on Instagram : https://www.i...

1.7M subscribers
Toni Mitchell @toni-mitchell

Vegan| Fitness| Health & Wellness| Lifestyle

0 subscribers
Koya Webb @koya-webb

Koya Webb is an internationally recognized yoga teacher, personal trainer, holistic health and wellness coach, author, motivational speaker, and professional fitness model revolutionizing the holistic living landscape. She is known as a “transformati...

5.2k subscribers
EatMoveRest @eatmoverest

🌟Be sure to pre-order our hardcover recipe book NOW! EatMoveRest.com/book There are three things we all do every day, and we could all be doing them better: Eat Move Rest! 🥗🏃‍♀️💤 Eat more plants, move your body daily, and get adequate rest--it's as...

4.8k subscribers
Vegan Physique @vegan-physique

Vegan food and fitness, compassionate living and the pursuit of happiness. Reaching goals sustainably. Follow me on my journey! Official Site: https://www.veganphysique.co.uk/

24.3k subscribers