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11 Impact Videos
817.1k Total Followers
148k Subscribers
Fitness motivation and nutritional guidance!

IG: @nimai_delgado
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Gretchen's Vegan Bakery @gretchens-vegan-bakery

Gretchen Price is a CIA trained pastry chef with over 25 years in the professional bakery industry. She owned a bakery in New Jersey for 10 years and is now creating vegan desserts here on YouTube to prove that you will never miss a thing by omittin...

0 subscribers
Adam Hansen @adam-hansen

Welcome to my channel. I'm going to do my best to keep a constant flow of material. While at home it will be about life, training, nutrient and what ever I can think of and at the races it will be more about...... races :) so enjoy!

445 subscribers
Brian Turner @brian-turner

My name's Brian Turner and I'm here to teach you how to get buff, eat good vegan food and have fun! I live in San Diego, California and was born on September 23, 1992! I've been bodybuilding for 16 years and 9 of that as a vegan! For business inqu...

1.4k subscribers
The Vegan Cyclist @the-vegan-cyclist

Im an average dude trying to do above average things. Im a family man who rides bikes, looks for adventure, and tells the story as I saw it. #RideALLTheBikes

7k subscribers
Toni Mitchell @toni-mitchell

Vegan| Fitness| Health & Wellness| Lifestyle

0 subscribers