Impactor Stats
3 Impact Videos
1.5k Total Followers
1.5k Subscribers
Hi Welcome!

I'm Jennifer aka NeuroticMommy and I'm a Healing Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master, Trance Healer, Card Reader and all the things! I do weekly card readings every Monday, Healing Guided Meditations every Friday and in between I give constructive, channeled guidance from Spirit. I see and color Auras, and I help people understand how to heal themselves spiritually. I'm also a mom who likes to have fun and enjoy life so you will see all of what I mentioned above on my channel plus motherhood and lifestyle mixed in so you can get to know me better.

Thank you for being here and being a part of my community!
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Suggested Impactors
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FullyRawKristina @fullyrawkristina

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Peaceful Cuisine @peaceful-cuisine

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EatMoveRest @eatmoverest

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Hitomi Mochizuki @hitomi-mochizuki

a safe space on the internet Instagram - yaknowme_hitomi Business inquiries - hitomi@select.co

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