Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
62.8M Total Followers
62.8M Subscribers
The Fandango MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. We are HUGE movie fans. We love films so much, that our genome team has gone through hundreds of movies to pick out the best moments, scenes, and famous lines from all of your favorite films. Whether it's an action, comedy, drama, western, horror film, or any other genre, Fandango MOVIECLIPS has the unforgettable moments that stay with you long after you leave the theater.

We value the diverse opinions of our audience, so you may find points of view that you don’t agree with. And that’s cool. However, please keep the conversation respectful and constructive. We will delete comments and ban users who post offensive, hateful, or disparaging material.
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Suggested Impactors
Brut India @brut-india

Brut India is the fastest-growing digital video publisher in the country. We're a young, independent platform producing compelling journalism in new formats. You can also find us here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brutindia/ Instagram: https:...

3k subscribers
Democracy Now! @democracy-now

Democracy Now! is a viewer-supported independent, global weekday news hour anchored by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. The show is broadcast on more than 1,500 TV, radio and internet stations. Stream the show live Monday thro...

38M subscribers
weareimpactors @weareimpactors

Goodbye, Influencers. 👋 Hello, Impactors! Empowering Content Creators Vegan | Environmental | Social Justice Watch Impactful Content 🌏 Take Action ⤵️

0 subscribers
livekindlyco @livekindlyco

Plant-based recipes | vegan trends | must-read news. Follow us to live a kinder, more sustainable life. 🌿

0 subscribers
Plant Based Eating for Health @plant-based-eating-for-health

Plant Based Eating for Health is your go-to destination for uncovering the truth about health, nutrition, and the impact of our food systems on personal well-being, the environment, and animal welfare. Featuring expert interviews from leaders in the...

818k subscribers