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Brut India is the fastest-growing digital video publisher in the country. We're a young, independent platform producing compelling journalism in new formats. You can also find us here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brutindia/ Instagram: https:...
Plant-based recipes | vegan trends | must-read news. Follow us to live a kinder, more sustainable life. 🌿
Goodbye, Influencers. 👋 Hello, Impactors! Empowering Content Creators Vegan | Environmental | Social Justice Watch Impactful Content 🌏 Take Action ⤵️
TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speaker...
Representing the nation’s leading plant-based food companies. We advocate for better policies to meet the growing consumer demand for plant-based foods. Visit www.plantbasedfoods.org for more information.