Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
88.8k Total Followers
88.8k Subscribers
Makeup Tutorials, Lipstick Swatches and all the pretty things!!!!
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Nisha Balsara @nisha-balsara

Kem cho?! Through candid conversations, storytelling, and occasional rants, "Biracial and Bitchy" offers a safe space for listeners to confront their own complexities and challenges. Nisha's unapologetic approach to sharing her triumphs and tribul...

0 subscribers
MoxieGent @moxiegent

Helping us gents be the best version of ourselves! Moxie Gent is a lifestyle channel, page, vlog or however you want to call it about helping everyday men become the best version of themselves. This is isn’t about unreachable unwearable style. THI...

117k subscribers
Madelynn De La Rosa @madelynn-de-la-rosa

Madelynn is an artist and filmmaker living and working in Los Angeles, CA. For over a decade Madelynn has curated a colorful world of her own on the Internet and beyond through different mediums including clay, film, and illustration. Her endless cur...

67.6k subscribers