Minimalist Baker

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8 Impact Videos
175k Total Followers
175k Subscribers
simple recipes • special diet-friendly • 10 ingredients, 1 bowl, or 30 minutes or less • all eaters welcome✌🏼
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Switch4Good @switch4good

Switch4Good is a community of world class, dairy-free athletes. Follow our journey as we share the science, nutrition, and stories behind our dairy-free lifestyles, and learn why so many athletes are making the switch for good. In just the past few...

282k subscribers
VeganTravel @vegantravel

VeganTravel is an online community where vegans can come together from around the world to share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and...

1.6k subscribers
vevolution_ @vevolution-1

🏠 The Home Of Plant Based Innovators 🌎 Creating Solutions For A Better World 💡 For Startups, Investors & The Community 🎧 @plantbasedbusiness Podcast

0 subscribers
Almond Cow @almond-cow

The Plant-Based Milk Maker. Make better plant-based milk for a better planet.

89.5k subscribers