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Hey there, I'm Merle! This channel is a place where I share my favorite vegan recipes, tips on how to live more sustainably, and give you all a little window into my life. I will also be posting more personal videos here about parts of myself (and society) that I would like to improve and invite you along for the journey!
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Elysabeth Alfano
Vegan ♻️?? Plantbased Business Consultant, Host: Plantbased Business Hour, Public Speaker & Expert for Media ? ? LA/Chgo, Sub:iTunes & YouTube ⤵️
904.2k subscribers
NutritionFacts.org is a science-based nonprofit organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, that provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos, blogs, podcasts, and infographics. We are strictly non-commercia...
0 subscribers
Lara Emily
Hi, ich bin Lara Emily! Ich habe ein 0,8 Abi gemacht & möchte hier meine Tipps mit Dir teilen. Wir sprechen über meine Erfahrungen mit Produktivität, Lernen & Organisation❤️ TikTok, Twitch & Instagram: @laraemilyofficial Impressum LeQMedia UG (haf...
621 subscribers