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I'm a cardiologist, internal medicine doctor & university researcher that makes science videos and bad jokes. Offbeat topics you won't find elsewhere, enriched with a government-mandated dose of humour. Trained in Cambridge; now PhD-ing in London.

There's a lot of bad science on YouTube, especially medicine, with quacks and clowns peddling garbage.

For people interested in science, comedy and mostly useless biological trivia, subscribing to this channel was found to be non-inferior to placebo. If that isn't a ringing endorsement I don't know what it is.

Who says science has to be serious?

Dr Rohin Francis

Please don't ask for medical advice as I cannot give any online. Nothing I say is medical advice. How do you even know I'm a doctor? I'm just an early IBM Watson prototype that went horribly wrong.
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makeitdairyfree @makeitdairyfree

🌱Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes For All 💚Many Top 9 Free 📍NJ, USA 🎉 150K+ on Youtube 💌: makeitdairyfreetoday@gmail.com⁣⁣ #MakeItDairyFree⁣⁣ ↓Recipes↓

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brianturnerofficial @brianturnerofficial

🌱💪🏼 Vegan Bodybuilder 😁🙆🏼‍♂️ @vivolife Ambassador - Code: BRIAN10 📍San Diego, CA 👉🏼 @teamacne 👇🏼 Get my favorite vegan supplements! 👇🏼

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NinaAndRanda @ninaandranda

Welcome to our channel! We're Nina and Randa, and we're identical twins who are completely obsessed with music. We love to sing together and write songs, and make YouTube videos! :) Thanks for checking out our channel. xo

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Jilicious Journey @jilicious-journey

VEGAN FOOD LIFESTYLE & BEAUTY ♥︎ Hi guys, it's JJ ♥︎ Welcome to my channel! On here I share vegan recipes, tips for a healthy lifestyle and my experiences on all kinds of topics. May 2014 I went vegan over night and started my high carb journey. With...

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