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The Healthinista lifestyle channel was created by Marzia Prince for those looking to live a holistic lifestyle. She has specialized in women's health, fitness, beauty, and fitness fashion for over 14 years. This channel is about holistic health, fitness, wellness, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, family, freedom, and fun. Her passion is helping others achieve thier best life. Watch Marzia share her top tips for staying in shape and living life to the fullest! For more info, go to MarziaPrince.com
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Lloyd Lang @lloyd-lang

Instagram : lloydlng Cuisine végétale & style de vie 🌿 For business inquiries only, please email me at : lloyd.lang@outlook.fr

6.3k subscribers
Mandy James @mandy-james

Music and Vlogs 💙📚🎸 Hey, I'm Mandy, a South African musician and artist. I post videos about food, music, books and life in general from the perspective of a 20-something-year-old. I work in the vegan industry, so I often love to share my views a...

49 subscribers
Plant You @plant-you

Easy, healthy and delicious vegan recipes and lifestyle tips.

22.9k subscribers
Vegan But Lazy @vegan-but-lazy

Cheap Easy Vegan Recipe ebook! 130+ Recipes for $4.99 on amazon: https://tinyurl.com/v6a6envk Modest Dish: Simple recipes for all. Don't let the recipes fool you, I'm not vegan. I eat all foods. https://modestdish.com/ Anarchist Kitchen Music: We...

3.5k subscribers